Sunday, April 27, 2008

COWBOYS - Day 2 Update

Posted by Taz

So now that we have completed about eight billion trades to stockpile 2009 picks (anyone thinking that we are going to throw a 1st and two 3rds for a WR?), and I spent about 3 hours in anticipation about what we are going to pick, we finally made a pick for a......

Running Back.

Didn't we just draft one of these yesterday?

Despite my confusion (and the fact that Alli and Chris made fun of me for it again), I'm fine with this, because it's not like there is any position that we really need to replace (you can gripe about Roy Williams, or the #2 WR spot, but we aren't finding the replacement in the 4th round anyways). We also have only one RB on the roster who has not been the starter in the NFL and is represented by Drew "I think I am Jerry Maguire" Rosenhaus, who will probably find a way to cause a problem in these negotiations for a long-term contract.

The only problem I have is the fact that we have two rookies (one who had a knee injury last year) backing up Barber. I know that RBs are quick to adapt to the NFL level, but you never know about rookies.

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